Sunday, July 6, 2008

July 4th

I wrote this several years ago...but it still holds true. We live in an awesome country. We must pray continually that those that would destroy it from within are defeated on every front.


Tears in the eye

To see the flag waving high

Prayers for the soldiers

Even those old codgers

That served along time ago

Defending our flag

Even when our spirits sag

Helping hands

To neighbors on foreign lands

Lifting spirits low

Parades and apple pie

Watching the Stars and Stripes go by

Clowns and bands

Lots of people in the stands

Adults with children n tow

Red, white and blue

Giving honor when due

“The Star Spangled Banner”

Liberty’s shining manner

Beckoning us on

Voting and voicing

Rioting and rejoicing

Freedom of press

And freedom from false arrest

Laws written long ago

America the Beautiful

America the bountiful

The land of the free

Our great destiny

How I love her so

Amanda Rankin 07/03